Mic Drop Red Pin

Mic Drop Red Pin

from $19.99


  • 2.2 inches wide

  • Pearl and hard enamel

Pin Grading System:

♡ A Grade: best of the bunch, but may still have tiny, minor issues. i.e. dust, tiny scuff, slightly unleveled. Clear and pearl enamel may have more flaws even in the 'almost almost perfect' batch as the material is more finicky.

♡ A- Grade: almost perfect, but may still have tiny, minor issues. i.e. dust, tiny scuff, tiny bubble, small mark, slightly unleveled

♡ B Grade: Noticeable, but doesn't take away from the beauty. i.e. dents, scratches, under-fills, incorrect screen prints

♡ C Grade: More noticeable flaws. i.e. non-filled enamel, larger dents, markings, more obvious screen print issues

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